Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Last Dickens

This book was a good time. I had to google all the publishers in the story - those Harper Brothers! I'm so excited about nineteenth century magazines. Don't you love magazines? I want to make a magazine - mostly I want to make the ads and write the "in the news" bits! The Christmas issue of Tiknor and Fields's Every Saturday features "No Thoroughfare" a story by Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. I'm also going to keep a diary this year and write to my future self.


knitinsage said...

what do you want your future self to know about your current self? (i hope i'm not being too nosy.)

Mrs. Lear said...

Practical things like spearmint glaze on top of celadon glaze is too cloudy and reminders like, you don't have a red cardigan for Valentines/Lunar New Year and you always want one!