Thursday, September 23, 2010

Old gold socks and "A Reverence for Wood"

This is Cookie A's Angee pattern from "Sock Innovation." I love this old gold color which I think is from Black Bunny Fibers. On Phila*craft's advice, I am reading Eric Sloane's "A Reverence for Wood" - old barns, eel traps, barrels and canoes.


  1. My great-aunt gave me that book when I was much younger... still love it. Your socks look very architectural (and beautiful) with that book as a backdrop.

  2. I thought that the socks were actually strips of bark for a minute there.

    Lovely color.

  3. Wow. You're sending me in a thousand different directions--in a good way. I'm off to a ceramicist's studio today to have her fire a piece of marble into quicklime for a chemistry experiment with my 7th graders. You'd love her space--visit
