Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Crochet ideas

Here's an idea I'm simmering for my leftover bits of yarn - crochet pillows. On the left is a page from Practical Modern Crochet by Vibeke Lind. The magazine page on the right is pitching throw pillows from Tara Handknits. I like her colors, and I like the wobbly spin of Vibeke's design.

I'm still meditating on the Marie Claire Idees cardboard crafts section. These branches would be wonderful around the diningroom light.


  1. a great idea for all those leftovers! and what about matching foot stools?

    i'm also intrigued by the cardboard fireplace. i see it in paper-mache too, maybe with some mica in the pant to make it look like sandstone....

  2. Those Vibeke Lind pillows are excellent.
